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Your scalp may be prone to oiliness…

Washing your hair every day, desperately trying to get rid of oily dandruff flakes. Sound familiar?

Dandruff is often thought to be a result of dry skin, but this isn’t the case. In reality, dandruff can be caused by the fungus Malassezia, which exists on everyone's scalps. When the sebaceous glands on your scalp produce too much sebum (the hair's natural moisturiser) it can interact with the fungus, causing your cells to turn over very quickly and produce flakes.

The skin on your scalp is just an extension of the skin on your face, so you may also experience a pimply forehead or acne on your face.

But no need to worry, there are plenty of steps you can take to get your oily scalp in check, starting with your diet. Avoid sugary and processed foods, as these can exacerbate the problem.

And as tempting as it is, don’t pick up shampoos that claim to be hydrating or volumising, as these inject more moisture into your scalp that you don’t need.

Top Tip

Resist washing your hair every day. Even though it's tempting to wash often to avoid an oily scalp, this can dry out the lengths of your hair. Remember, some oil is essential for a healthy scalp and shiny hair!

Condsider adding a scalp exfoliating brush into your hairwashing routine. Exfoliating your scalp helps to remove buildup and increase circulation.

Try using an anti-dandruff shampoo! Nizoral uses the active ingredient ketoconazole to treat and prevent dandruff.

Did you know
Nizoral is clinically proven to control itching and flaking on the scalp

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